Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Michael d’antuono the truth

  • Barack Obama Depicted As Jesus: 'The Truth' Painting Draws Criticism For ...

    The painting by New York-based artist by Michael D'Antuono is titled "The Truth" and features Obama with a crown of thorns on his head, in a position that is reminiscent of the crucifixion.


  • Painting of Obama as Crucified Jesus Christ Goes on Display

    Michael D'Antuono's 'Truth,' a painting that depicts President Obama posed as Jesus Christ during his crucifixion, has gone on display at the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery in Boston, Massachusetts.


  • Obama Crucifix Just Cheap Art, Catholic League Says

    Michael D'Antuono is a left-wing artist known for exploiting racial tensions (e.g, depicting George Zimmerman as a Klansman and Trayvon Martin as a generous child).


  • Controversial Obama Painting to be Showcased

    To mark President Barack Obama's 100th day in office, artist Michael D'Antuono decided to launch his latest painting, The Truth, that shows the president posed as Jesus Christ on the cross. The painting was to be unveiled in Union Square Park, New York ...


  • Scandal în jurul unei picturi cu Obama "răstignit". "Este o metaforă, nu am avut ...

    Tabloul, realizat de artistul Michael D'Antuono, se numeşte „Truth" (Adevăr) şi îl arată pe preşedintele american cu braţele întinse, capul plecat şi sigla preşedinţiei în fundal. Iniţial, pictura ar fi trebuit expusă în urmă cu patru ani, în Union ...


  • Who The Hell Is Grover Norquist?

    Controversial artist Michael D'Antuono's newly released painting inspires curiosity about the powerful lobbyist's Svengali-like control over the GOP.


  • USA: Maler stellt Barack Obama als Jesus mit Dornenkrone dar

    Der Maler Michael D'Antuono sorgt derzeit mit einem Gemälde in einer Bostoner Ausstellung für Diskussionen, auf dem US-Präsident Barack Obama in Jesus-Pose zu sehen ist. Obama hat auf dem Bild die Arme ausgebreitet wie Christus am Kreuz und auf seinem ...


  • Barack Obama crocifisso: l'America si indigna di fronte al quadro di D'Antuono

    Il quadro, intitolato The Truth (La verità), è stato in realtà realizzato quasi quattro anni fa. Avrebbe dovuto ... L'autore, Michael D'Antuono, è stato più volte accusato di blasfemia e colpito da una gigantesca campagna di mailing di protesta. Nel ...


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