Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mayadin base

  • Syria rebels seize military base in oil-rich east, activists say

    The reported takeover cements the rebels' hold on a stretch of the country bordering Iraq, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a pro-opposition group based in Britain. It called the nearby town of Mayadin "the last regime stronghold ...

  • Syrian rebels claim shootdown of warplane

    Rebels on Sunday downed a Syrian air force Mig-23 warplane that had just bombed positions in Mayadin, a city in the eastern province of Deir ez-Zor, provincial Free Syrian Army spokesman Abu Leila told Efe.

  • Syria rebels seize oilfield in Deir Ezzor: NGO

    "Rebels in the Jaafar Tayyar Brigade took control of Al-Ward oilfield, east of the town of Mayadin, after a siege that lasted several days," the Britain-based watchdog said. "This is the first time the rebels have taken control of an oilfield ...

  • Syrian rebels seize their first oilfield

    "Rebels in the Jaafar Tayyar Brigade took control of Al-Ward oilfield, east of the town of Mayadin, after a siege that lasted several days," the Britain-based watchdog said. "This is the first time the rebels have taken control of an oilfield ...

  • Siria: ribelli conquistano citta' strategica Mayadin

    (ASCA-AFP) - Beirut, 22 nov - I ribelli anti-Assad hanno conquistato questa mattina la localita' di Mayadin, nella provincia orientale di Deir Ezzor, assumendo cosi' il controllo della frontiera siriano-irachena. Lo riferisce l'Osservatorio per i ...

  • Syrian rebels 'seize big oil field'

    "Rebels in the Jaffar Tayyar Brigade took control of Al-Ward oil field, east of the town of Mayadin, after a siege that lasted several days," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said.

  • Syria's humanitarian crisis getting 'rapidly worse' UN warns - Friday 9 ...

    The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 40 Syrian soldiers were killed in the town, citing a doctor. Video from ... Speaking to the Guardian's Mona Mahmood he said a residential areas was hit by mortars fired from al-Mayadin to the west.

  • Syria rebels seize oilfield in Deir Ezzor

    "Rebels in the Jaffar Tayyar Brigade took control of Al-Ward oilfield, east of the town of Mayadin, after a siege that lasted several days," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

  • Syria mediator wants UN resolution based on Geneva deal

    A United Nations Security Council resolution to set up a transitional Syrian government in a bid to end the bloodshed should be implemented based on a deal world powers had reached in June, international mediator on Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, said on ...

  • Armed Forces Kill Terrorists, Destroy Many Machinegun-equipped Cars in ...

    An Armed Forces unit destroyed gatherings of terrorists in al-Qabban area in al-Mayadin, Deir Ezzor city, while another unit eliminated a terrorist group in al-Muwazafin neighborhood in the city, including Ayman Hariri al-Ali, a member of Al Qaeda ...

  • World in Brief

    The head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdul-Rahman, said rebels overran the Al-Ward oilfield in the province of Deir el-Zour near the border with Iraq early Sunday.

  • Syrie. Les rebelles s'emparent une ville stratégique dans l'est du pays

    "Selon les premières informations, les soldats [du régime] se seraient retirés dans une base de l'armée à plus de 80 km d'Al-Mayadin", poursuit l'ONG, qui s'appuie sur un important réseau de militants et de médecins à travers la Syrie. Plus de 40 000 ...

  • Twelve killed in shelling of east Syria-observatory

    But Rami Abdelrahman, head of the observatory, told Reuters that government forces had been shelling al-Qurriya from the outskirts of Al-Mayadin, some 10 km (6 miles) to the northwest. The position was the scene of fighting between government and rebel ...

  • El Ejército Libre de Siria derriba un avión Mig en Damasco

    Horas antes, en el este del país, los rebeldes lograron tomar el control sobre Mayadin, que está situada en las inmediaciones de una base militar. Los insurgentes afirman que ahora controlan gran parte de la frontera con Irak y la región del río Éufrates.

  • Rebeldes sírios dizem ter assumido controle de região estratégica

    Rebeldes sírios disseram nesta quinta-feira ter assumido controle de uma região estratégica do leste do país, na fronteira com o Iraque. Um comandante rebelde anunciou que a base síria em Mayadin está agora na mão dos insurgentes, depois de 21 dias ...

  • Siria, 40mila vittime in venti mesi

    ... vanno sommate "migliaia di persone scomparse" e i morti tra i paramilitari filo-regime. Sul campo, nuova avanzata a Nord-est dei ribelli, che conquistano la città di Mayadin, al confine con l'Iraq, e la strategica "Base 46″, strappata alle forze ...

  • Rebeldes avanzan en el este de Siria y se enfrentan a kurdos en el norte

    Más al sur, los rebeldes lograron un éxito al tomar Mayadin, una de las últimas ciudades de la provincia de Deir Ezzor en manos del régimen de Bashar al Asad. "La zona, que se extiende desde la frontera iraquí hasta el borde de Deir Ezzor, es ...

  • Syrie: 15 morts dans un bombardement à côté d'un hôpital d'Alep

    Un aérodrome militaire de la même région était déjà passé sous le contrôle des insurgés la semaine dernière. D'après l'OSDH, la base de Mayadin était considérée comme la dernière place forte du régime de Damas dans le secteur de Deir el-Zour. af/AP/ll ...

  • Francia acogerá a un "embajador" de la oposición siria

    Con esta toma, "los rebeldes controlan ahora una vasta zona geográfica, donde sólo queda una base militar en la ciudad de Mayadin, hasta el sur de la provincia de Hasaka, más al norte", precisó a la AFP el director del OSDH, Rami Abdel Rahman.

  • Rebeldes sirios suman éxitos

    "Los rebeldes tomaron el control del yacimiento Al Ward, al este de la ciudad de Mayadin, al término de un sitio de varios días", anunció el OSDH, una ONG opositora con sede en Gran Bretaña. Unos 40 militares encargados de la custodia del yacimiento ...

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