Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sitting years life

  • (CBS News) For those of us glued to our chairs or couches morning and night, a new study suggests its time to get up if you want to outlive your peers.
  • (CBS News)
  • Weve all heard of the potential health issues linked with too much sitting, including increased risk of diabetes, cancer and even premature death. Now, a new analysis shows how many years of your life could be saved by getting up off your caboose.
  • (Huffington Post)
  • Sitting for more than three hours a day can cut two years off a person's life expectancy, even if he or she exercises regularly, a new study finds.
  • (Time)
  • Want to live longer? Get your butt out of the chair, and don't watch so much TV.
  • (MLive.com)
  • They estimate a gain of two years to life expectancy for reducing sitting to less than three hours a day, or an additional 1.38 years if everybody limited the time they spent plopped in front of the television to two hours.
  • (CNN)
  • But what about what we do with the rest of our time? A new study suggests that the time we all spend sitting is taking years off life expectancy in the U.S.
  • (ABC News)
  • then a year and you have a big impact, study lead author David Schary said in a news release. One child may be getting up to four hours more active play every week, and this sets the stage for the rest of their life.
  • (New York Daily News)
  • July 10 (Bloomberg) -- Americans may add as many as two years to the nation's life expectancy if they can stand up more often and watch fewer hours of television, a study found.
  • (San Francisco Gate)
  • But keeping down time to less than three hours a day might make us live an extra two years. And cutting TV viewing -- which most of us do while sitting -- to less than two hours every day might extend life by almost 1.4 years.
  • (Atlanta Journal Constitution)
  • Sitting down for more than three hours a day can shave two years off your life expectancy. Nearly 170,000 people followed for up to 14 years. Didn't matter if they didn't smoke or were physically active, too much sitting shortened their lives.
  • (FOX News)

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