Thursday, July 5, 2012

Scalia critics politics

  • WASHINGTON—Justice Antonin Scalia ended his 26th year on the Supreme Court with a string of losses in the terms biggest cases and criticism that he crossed a line from judging to politics.
  • (Denver Post)
  • Scalias boorishness is legendary.
  • (Salon)
  • WSJ Over the line? Critics of Justice Antonin Scalia say he crossed a line from judging to politics in his dissent in the Arizona immigration case and his comments during oral arguments over the health law.
  • (Wall Street Journal)
  • Roberts Jr.s opinion Thursday upholding much of President Obamas Affordable Care Act should quiet for now critics who say the court acts Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Samuel A. Alito Jr., and Clarence Thomas.
  • (Philadelphia Daily News)
  • I know there will be a lot of discussion today about the politics of all this — about who won and who joined justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas in the dissent.
  • (CBC)
  • Reading Justice Antonin Scalias opinions, for example percent of Americans believe the Supreme Court will decide the health care case based on politics more than law. Thats an unfortunate sign of our polarized times.
  • (Newsday)
  • Some critics said upholding the show me your papers requirement but the state may not pursue policies that undermine federal law, Kennedy said.
  • (Contra Costa Times)
  • Kennedy, usually the court's lone swing vote, sided with fellow conservatives Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
  • (Chicago Defender)

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