Sunday, July 8, 2012

Romney veepstakes

  • As Mitt Romney approaches his announcement of a running mate, a series of clues about whom he might pick continue to seep into the media.
  • (MSNBC Firstread)
  • On Tuesday morning, ABC reported that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was not being considered as a potential running mate by presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney.
  • (Atlantic Online)
  • One year ago today, Tim Pawlenty launched the first Iowa television ads of the 2012 campaign, signaling a media blitz before the crucial Iowa straw poll last August.
  • (ABC News)
  • Ann Romney has indicated that her husband Mitt is considering choosing a female vice-presidential running mate - but senior party figures believe that the presumptive Republican nominee will end up picking a middle-aged man.
  • (Daily Mail)
  • CONCORD, N.H. — Sen. Rob Portman broke away from his 17-year-old daughter's tour of his alma mater, Dartmouth College, to venture an hour south of here Saturday to trumpet the virtues of Mitt Romney. Louisiana Gov.
  • (Washington Post)
  • Have Republicans regained enough of an appetite to put a third member of the Bush political dynasty on the ticket with Mitt Romney? Take it from one in-the-know local relative of the 41st and 43rd presidents, former Florida Gov.
  • (Greenwich Time)
  • "Marching in the parade with [Romney in New Hampshire] was Kelly Ayotte, a senator from New Hampshire who has been mentioned as a possible vice presidential choice," the Boston Globe writes.
  • (MSNBC Firstread)
  • Egos are being stroked. Wanna-bes are auditioning. And, chances are, lies are being told.
  • (Naples Daily News)
  • Veepstakes speculation turned to an unlikely duo dispatched Thursday to trail President Obama's two-day bus tour of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Louisiana Gov.
  • (New York Daily News)
  • Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney's selection of a running mate — the "veepstakes" — may be drawing near.
  • (Mashable)

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