Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ohio voters

  • Some Ohio voters said the auto bailout was still a plus for Obama. The bailout will certainly help him. Its definitely working, said Linda Schneider of Maumee. But Thomas Hutton of Toledo said it the bailout would not be a defining campaign issue.
  • (RealClearPolitics)
  • In Ohio, a swing state that had an unemployment rate of 7.
  • (CNN)
  • At a campaign stop in Poland, Ohio, on Friday, Mr. Obama urged voters to take the long view, and to be mindful of the economic state he inherited.
  • (New York Times)
  • Priorities has spent $2.8 million in the Buckeye State. Not surprisingly, the ads, which have been mostly negative in tone, have left many Ohio voters sick of the election — with more than four months still to go.
  • (Washington Post)
  • Have Voters Given Up on Politicians to Fix the Economy RIP, Ann Harris. Ohio Restaurant Owner Dies Shortly After Serving Obama Eggs – http://abcn.
  • (ABC News)
  • June 27 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama holds an edge over presumed Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the competitive states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida, a Quinnipiac University poll shows.
  • (San Francisco Gate)
  • asked voters who are undecided between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney The report correlates with the lack of economic enthusiasm I am seeing here in Columbus, Ohio. President Obama was in my home state yesterday, campaigning in union territory.
  • (YAHOO!)
  • The lawsuit notes that recent moves by Ohio and Missouri to comply with the federal law have resulted in a wave of registration forms being completed.
  • (Erie Times-News)

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