Monday, July 9, 2012

New York Fracking moratorium

  • ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — In the latest salvo in local battles over gas drilling, a company said Monday its shutting down wells and turning off the free gas to landowners in a western New York town that passed a moratorium on drilling.
  • (Huffington Post)
  • Initial reports said that hydraulic fracturing or fracking might be allowed for two years Pennsylvania has been drilling into the Marcellus shale. New York has a self-imposed moratorium in place that may be lifted.
  • (Akron Beacon Journal)
  • Gov. Andrew Cuomo will soon lift a moratorium on fracking and allow it go forward in the southern tier of the state, sources within his administration told the New York Times two weeks ago.
  • (Washington Times)
  • To put it another way, Josh is the guy who is largely responsible for the political minefield that you now find yourself tip-toeing through as you consider whether or not to lift the moratorium on fracking in New York State.
  • (Rolling Stone)
  • A moratorium seems pretty unlikely part that involved negotiations amongst governments.
  • (Huffington Post)
  • Earlier this month, Bristol revised its moratorium to continue researching fracking and review its zoning regulations natural gas drilling method that may soon be permitted in New York.
  • (MPNnow)
  • video taking a look at the controversy in New York where Governor Andrew Cuomo is considering plans to lift the state's moratorium on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for unconventional gas. But it's much more than just a local story.
  • (CleanTechnica)
  • Cuomo is poised to end a state moratorium on gas drilling using and it has raised New York's profile as the centerpiece of a national anti-fracking movement. Policy is where politics meets science.
  • (New York Times Blogs)
  • New York is also currently considering allowing fracking Governor Christie vetoed the bill, saying the issue needed further study, and imposed a one-year moratorium on fracking instead.
  • (New York Times)

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