Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fiscal cliff

  • For the first time in months, Europe is enjoying a respite from market pressure.
  • (New York Times)
  • WASHINGTON, July 8 (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers signaled on Sunday a worsening deadlock in Congress over how to tackle critical fiscal deadlines looming at years end, including deciding whether to extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.
  • (Huffington Post)
  • WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawmakers signaled on Sunday a worsening deadlock in Congress over how to tackle critical fiscal deadlines looming at years end, including deciding whether to extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.
  • (Reuters)
  • NEW YORK (Reuters) - American employers are keeping their fingers crossed that politicians will steer away from a fiscal cliff of major tax hikes and spending cuts in early 2013, and, so far at least, have not gone back to a defensive recession-mode.
  • (YAHOO!)
  • The people responsible for averting the end-of-year fiscal cliff are the same ones who almost caused a U.S. debt default, let airline ticket taxes lapse for two weeks and came within two hours of shutting down the government.
  • (Bloomberg)
  • Congress has six months to prevent the U.S. economy from falling off the so-called fiscal cliff. If Congress does not act, on Jan. 1, 2013 a mix of tax hikes and $1.
  • (Yahoo Finance)
  • A survey by Morgan Stanley released Tuesday found that global investors are worried about the fiscal cliff and 70% expect Greece to exit the euro zone at some point.
  • (Marketwatch)
  • Late science fiction writer Ray Bradbury wasnt referring to investors when he said, youve got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down, but he might as well have been referring to the upcoming fiscal cliff in 2013.
  • (Money Morning)
  • If corporate America is worried about the pending "fiscal cliff" they are keeping pretty mum about it.  It may be firms are saving any statements about how this might impact their business when they report their second quarter results.
  • (CNBC)

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