Friday, July 6, 2012

Bosses exploit workers

  • Pro-tip for all you bosses out there: Its easier to take advantage of your employees when they dont realize quite how much youre benefiting from them.
  • (Huffington Post)
  • The owner of a gas bar in northern Manitoba has been fined $12,000 for illegally hiring foreign workers who paid a recruiter thousands The Three Amigos said their boss duped them by promising to ensure their work permits were updated.
  • (
  • The company used every conceivable method to exploit us, said Wan Wen Zheng, a Chinese former worker, in a protest speech translated to say something to your boss is really under attack, Newton said.
  • (Women's eNews)
  • The significance of this may be lost on Londons transport bosses. Most strike actions in recent years This doesnt suggest that the workers are in a timid mood.
  • (The Guardian)
  • There are all sorts of reasons bosses break the law by not paying workers Wage theft is far from the only way that employers exploit their workers, and it's far from the only aspect of work where employ ees feel hopeless.
  • (Yes Weekly)
  • A major labor struggle between drywall workers and residential housing bosses took place in Southern California who moved people across the border.
  • (Socialist Worker Online)
  • Why? Because your boss controls your access to doctors, medicine and hospitals.  Your employer is intimately entangled with your health and your family's health and wellbeing.
  • (Counter Punch)
  • Israelis are hard workers and they invest a lot More from Leading Women: Saudi female entrepreneurs exploit changing attitudes On biomedical investment A very interesting sector. Its the future of the world, I believe.
  • (CNN)
  • The bosses argue that working conditions need restructuring The labour market must be more flexible, they say, so employers can sack and generally exploit workers more easily.
  • (Morning Star)

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