Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Romney education

  • In a week-long series of campaign activities that began Wednesday with an address to the Latino Coalitions Annual Economic Summit, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is taking on the issue of the state of the nations schools.
  • (Huffington Post)
  • "Sadly, President Obama has decided to attack success.
  • (Washington Post)
  • Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney says American children are getting a third-world education because the system is failing them. He also called education the civil rights issue of our era, saying minority students suffer the most.
  • (AP -
  • Mitt Romney for the first time Wednesday delved into the issue of education, a largely absent topic in the 2012 presidential race. Speaking to a luncheon of The Latino Coalition at the U.S.
  • (
  • Shifting from the economy to education, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romneywas proposing a voucher-style system that could significantly alter the public school system and revive the debate over school choice.
  • (The Christian Science Monitor)
  • But Romney is betting that the economy will be the overriding factor in the election, including for many Latinos. Today, he is to deliver remarks on education to a Latino business conference in Washington.
  • (Los Angeles Times)
  • Yesterday the Obama Administration announced a new round of Race to the Top (R2TT) grants aimed at schools districts and Mitt Romney is making speeches in New York and Washington, D.C. to outline his education plan.
  • (YAHOO!)
  • Mitt Romney will outline his education policy in a speech today, and as part of his focus on the issue, the Republican presidential hopeful announced yesterday that Rod Paige will serve as his special advisor on education.
  • (MaddowBlog)
  • Here is the full text of Mitt Romney's remarks on education reform as prepared for delivery on Wednesday at The Latino Coalition's Annual Economic Summit in Washington, D.C.: Thanks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for hosting us.
  • (Washington Post)

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