Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Westernization china

  • The roots of East-West conflict

    These men however were present at the beginnings of anti-western thinking in Asia: in the Muslim countries of Egypt, Iran and Turkey, in the Muslim community of India and in China and Japan. In the West, the days of Empire are remembered as a ...


  • $65 Million Bounty for a Man to Marry Tycoon's Gay Daughter

    China, historically, has been rather more accepting of homosexuality than one might expect, but saw with the rise of Christian and Islamic influences same-sex love become a point of contention.


  • Packing a punch with Indonesian flavors

    He cited many other countries, such as China, Singapore and Turkey where chefs identified themselves with their local food, this national cuisine pride is a far cry from the westernization of many of our top chefs. "I haven't seen an Indonesian chef ...


  • Dispatches to Darien: Singapore — Gateway to two worlds

    The native population grew right alongside the new, westernized Singapore. The river was alive with Arabian sanbuqs, local perabas and Chinese junks. Floating sampan villages lined the length of the Singapore River, creating horrific pollution and a ...


  • Egypt Is Poised to Regain Primacy Regionally and in World

    Fourth: Throughout its long history, Egypt has fixed its gaze eastward toward western Asia and beyond to the powers of greater Asia, particularly India, China and Japan. Egyptians sometimes feel a sense of their Eastern orientation when they discover ...


  • In French print media, Anglicisms are 'le buzz'

    One of the reasons for this increase is access to the US way of life through the Internet by journalists who either don't find a proper translation or deliberately use the original as it sounds plus in, for instance westernization rather than ...


  • Eric Hobsbawm, 1917 – 2012: In Memoriam

    And let's make no mistake about it: he also thought somehow or other, there needed to be Western force which somehow controlled the disorder in the world - which is no longer controllable by anybody in the old 19th Century imperial way.


  • Top 10 Luxury Travel Trends for 2013 from Cox & Kings

    Whitcomb notes an increase in far-flung bookings by families to countries as exotic as India, China and South Africa - all of which offer activities and highlights enticing to all ages.


  • Ukraine Continues To Seek Independence

    Their move towards Westernization has already proved to be the right direction as their economy has experienced growth amidst economic turmoil across the globe.


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