Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cheetos addiction

  • Flamin' Hot Cheetos under fire from schools

    The Chicago Tribune reported that new research shows "hyperpalatable foods" -- salty, fatty or sweet foods - can create a similar brain response as seen in individuals who addicted to illicit substances. An unrelated commentary in the Feb 2012 issue of ...

  • Flamin' Hot Cheetos inspire fanatic loyalty among kids

    Emerging research on food addiction suggests that processed salty, fatty or sweet foods of any kind — also called "hyperpalatable foods" — can trigger brain responses similar to those created by controlled substances in addicted individuals.

  • Flamin' Hot Cheetos under fire for nutritional value

    Some experts say the Cheetos are highly addictive. "Our brain is really hardwired to find things like fat and salt really rewarding, and now we have foods that have them in such high levels that it can trigger an addictive process," said clinical ...

  • School Health Officials Warn Flamin' Hot Cheetos Are Addictive and Contains ...

    Some health experts believe Cheetos is a highly addictive food. According to a Lake View High School senior, on average eight out of 10 kids bring a bag of the Flamin' Hot Cheetos snacks to school. She was so addicted to the Cheetos snack that it took ...

  • 'Flamin' Hot Cheetos' come under fire as health concerns arise

    CINCINNATI - You may want to take a look at your children's snacks after a school is calling a brand of Cheetos addictive and a health hazard. "Flamin' Hot Cheetos," the spicy, orange-hued delectable made famous by Frito Lay is coming under scrutiny at ...

  • Some schools want to ban Flamin' Hot Cheetos

    Teachers say kids are becoming addicted to the brand and substituting one bag for an entire lunch. A health teacher at a middle school in New Mexico sent a letter home to parents asking them not to allow their kids to bring Flamin' Hot Cheetos to school.

  • Schools Consider Banning Flamin' Hot Cheetos Because They Are Unbelievably ...

    The fourth ingredient in the Flamin' Hot Cheetos' secret flavoring ingredient–after maltodextrin, which is a filler, salt, and sugar–is MSG.

  • SCHOOLS: Some campuses banning Flamin' Hot Cheetos

    Schools across the country are banning or considering bans on Flamin' Hot Cheetos, which some researchers say can produce an endorphin-fueled high and other researchers say are highly addictive and offer little nutritional value. It's not the first ...

  • Health Controversy: These Chips Are Being Called Nutrionally Evil and Banned ...

    Frito Lay's "Flamin' Hot Cheetos" have somewhat of a cult following. They're spicy, salty and, well, "addictive" say fans, many of which are kids and teens. The chips even inspired a YouTube music video seen by millions. So what's the big deal? Well ...

  • CCF Hops the Pond While "Food Addiction" Jumps the Shark

    What those lawsuits have taught us is that there are few labels that will ever meet everyone's standards, leading to endless litigation.

  • Proposed Cheetos ban has snackers flaming hot

    Also under advisory is the suggestion that Flamin' Hot Cheetos are "hyperpalatable", or addictive. Clinical psychologist at the University of Michigan, Ashley Gearhardt, explains, "Our brain is really hardwired to find things like fat and salt really ...

  • Flamin' Hot Cheetos Come Under Fire

    And, on top of the artificial coloring and flavoring, some experts say Flamin' Hot Cheetos are "hyperpalatable", meaning they're highly addictive and the notion that you can't eat just one... well, there may be some science behind it. "Our brain is ...

  • School districts in California, New Mexico trying to ban Cheetos; say they are ...

    ... has already taken it out of their machines. Officials have cited studies that say Cheetos are "hyperpalatable," meaning they're highly addictive, the story said. For the full story, see ABC News. Inappropriate post? Alert us. Related topics: Flamin ...

  • Flamin Hot Cheetos Ban in Schools Due to Lack of Nutrition

    Some experts are saying the Cheetos are filled with artificial flavors and coloring are "hyperpalatable," meaning they're highly addictive. Teachers are also complaining about the kids sharing the snack and spreading germs. On top of that, the school ...

  • Flamin' Hot Cheetos ban? School districts want to get rid of the snack ...

    And the last and messiest reason: janitors have to clean up red fingerprints everywhere from the dye in the Flamin' Hot Cheetos. According to ABC News, some experts also say the Cheetos are "hyperpalatable," which means they're very addictive. The ...

  • Are You a Food Addict? Take This Test

    Scientists still disagree over whether you can officially become addicted to eating, but several studies indicate that certain foods can consume you by messing with your brain's pleasure and self-control centers, similarly to drugs.

  • Craving an Ice-Cream Fix

    One month earlier, Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, gave a lecture at Rockefeller University, making the case that food and drug addictions have much in common, particularly in the way that both disrupt the parts of ...

  • Anti-Obesity TV Spots Called "Shame" Ads

    In spite of the food propaganda that is shoved down our throats on a daily basis and sold as gospel, there is an accountability factor at the individual level for opting out of the Cheetos and sugar addiction mentality, and seeking knowledge to ...

  • Lindsay Lohan is Voting for Romney

    Who better to look to for inspiration than a drug addicted, reckless driving B-grade "actress". Just look to ... She'll wake up at 5pm election day, in some motel room, vomit up the pills she took the night before, then pass out in a bowl of Cheetos ...

  • Glee Recap: It's Britney...Again!

    The lesson doesn't go so well—instead of getting better, Brittany relives all of Britney's 2007 behavior (tries to shave her head, beats Jacob Israel up with an umbrella, inspires a fan to cry-defend her, develops a Cheetos addiction, etc.) in the ...

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